Sunday, February 14, 2010

9th Edition-Time is tight

It was 07.15 am. Manoj had his flight at 08.15 am. The airport being 25 minutes away at top speed meant that catching the flight was unlikely.

Somehow Manoj did get on the flight and is now in Calcutta. Being alone is not a problem for me. I'm very busy and there are a few other opportunities I would like to take advantage of.

There is a little chap I know who is very able on the sewing machine. He has agreed to make me up some samples of jewellery bags. First I will buy the sari material and he should have a sample of 150 pieces done for me within a day. My only problem is time.

There is still plenty to sort out but time is running out. Prasad should get his export license through on Tuesday, when this happens we can send the first shipment of 12000-14000 bracelets. Packing of these will I hope take place Monday ( tomorrow night ).

The Muslim area is very colourful here and you can always find what you need, if you ask a few shopkeepers. Yesterday I came across big tin box trunks roughly 1 metre long and 50 centimetres deep. I managed to fit ten in the back, front and roof of a transport rickshaw and took them back to my guesthouse, I was squeezed somewhere in between the boxes at a very odd angle. The rickshaw driver asked me something in Tamil which I believed meant-do you want to go the longer comfortable way ? Or the shorter way through the markets ? He laughed when I said "fast fast". It was a very jerky 25 minutes. So much so was the spectacle of a white man travelling amongst ten silver trunks, trying to keep my legs in, that I was offered a free cup of tea as we passed the chai stand. On arrival I tried to sneak the boxes into my room without raising too many eyebrows from the owners of the guesthouse, I don't believe I was too successful.

So today has been a little calmer. A little quality control with Prasad's brother was about it. Shopping was on the programme for today but I felt myself a little weak, so went to get a haircut instead . Think I shall retire to the veranda order a pot of tea and fall asleep.

Good night England


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